My first time here. When I knew about this websitei I have been thinking that it is a very great oportunity, I would like anyone helps me with my English class because i want to learn English to be a best person and some job can give me an oportunity. Whit this i finished my first quiz here Thanks everybody.
6. März 2015 03:31
Korrekturen · 2
I'd love to help you if I can. Could you be more specific about what you would like to practice?
8. März 2015

My first time here.

When I knew about this websitei I have been thinking that it is a very great oportunity When I first heard about this website, I thought it would ve a very great opportunity. I would like anyone to help me with my English class because I want to learn English so I can be a best better person. some job can give me an oportunity. (Also, learning English can give me job opportunities.)
Whit With this, I finished my first quiz here.

Thanks everybody.

8. März 2015
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