Emerson de Souza
My Family Family for me is very important. I see that values of the family is alone. My Atittudes are for change situations, if the world necessity the change of peoples.
31. März 2015 14:45
Korrekturen · 3

My Family [Perfect!]

Family for me is very important. [Perfect!]

I see that values of the family is alone. [values= plural, is = singlular.... Essas palavras precisam corresponder.... I see the values of the family are alone... A ideia nessa frase é difícil de entender. Você poderia re-escrever?]

My Atittudes are to change situations, if the world needs the change of people. [Também aqui é difícil compreender a sua mensagem.]

<em>Your notebook entry has come complex grammar and ideas. Good job challenging yourself. Could you re-write a little so that it could be clearer? </em>
<em>Google translate: Sua escrita tem gramática e idéias complexas. Bom trabalho desafiar a si mesmo. Você poderia reescrever um pouco para que ele poderia ser mais claro?</em>

31. März 2015

My Family

The family is very important for me.
I believe us values of family is not alone.
The Atittudes of world can change the situations, The world have needs, the people can change the situations.

1. April 2015
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