Spanish phrases for dating with colombian women. (Colloquial) No matter how much you study the dictionary or slang or audiotapes, all of those words are going to blur together once you look into the dreamy brown eyes of the subject of your newfound affections. So here, we’re going to cut through the chaff and get right to the heart of it. In the following list, I’ve given you a few choice phrases that should be easy to remember and quick to charm. 1. Hi beautiful. – Hola lindura/ Hola mami / Hola divina 2. You’re very good-looking. – Estás muy linda enserio. 3. You look very pretty. – Estás buenisima *ésto solo si ya es tu amiga*. 4. You’re very pretty. – Eres Relinda.*its not good but is funny* 5. What a beautiful smile! – Tienes una sonrisa divina 6. You have beautiful eyes. – Tienes más ojos que una piña. 7. You are perfect to me. – Tu eres la mujer que me recomendó el doctor. 8. Would you like to dance? – Bailamos/ echemos paso un ratico 9. You dance very well. – Uyy pero bailas super. 10. Would you like something to drink? – ¿Tomamos alguito? 11. Do you have a boyfriend– ¿Tienes noviecito? 12. Will you give me your phone number? – Dame tu telefono porfa 13. What are you doing later?- ¿Nos podemos ver mas tardecito? 14.Would you like to go out? – ¿Salimos o qué? 15. I’ll take you out to eat later. – Vamos a comer alguito por ahi. 16. Don’t worry. It’s on me. – Fresca que yo pago 17. I like you very much. – Me mueves el piso/ estoy tragado de vos/ me tienes tramado. 18. When can I see you again? – La proxima nos vemos linda/ te veo luego reina. Dancing is a very central part of Latino culture. Asking somebody to dance is a great way to start a conversation. In fact, it might not be a bad idea to take a few salsa classes before your trip! Good luck guys!!
26. Apr. 2015 16:10
Korrekturen · 1
jaja me gusta mucho! Now I just need to find Sofia Vergara and try these phrases...
27. Juli 2015
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