Am I famous? I went to a shop today and as I entered in that shop, Everyone looked at me, some of them even stared too long. I was wondering and started thinking " why are they staring at me that way? Am I famous? Did anybody know me?" I smiled and pretended that I didn't see them. There were a group of girl staring right at me and it made me uncomfortable. I felt like I couldn't walk properly and I think I was going to fall down anytime. I don't know why. So, I took my phone out from my pocket and pretended that I was busy talking on phone. In fact, there were nobody on phone, It was just me talking and creating some funny conversation. haha I passed by of them and they were still staring at me, I turned my head to them and blink my left eye hoping that they would impressed on me. After that I rushed to a toilet to make sure that my hair looked cool. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw there were something sticked on my face. I don't know what it was but I felt really embarrassed. I went out of the shop immediatelly for good.
5. Mai 2015 12:05
Korrekturen · 4

Am I famous?

I went to a shop today and as I entered in that shop, Everyone looked at me, some of them even stared too long. I was wondering and started thinking " why are they staring at me that way? Am I famous? Did anybody know me?" I smiled and pretended that I didn't see them. There were a group of girls(should be plural)staring right at me and it made me uncomfortable. I felt like I couldn't walk properly and I thought(past tense) I was going to fall down anytime. I don't know why. So, I took my phone out from my pocket and pretended that I was busy talking on the phone. In fact, there wasn't anyone(sounds better) on the phone. It was just me talking and creating some funny conversation. haha I passed by  them and they were still staring at me. I turned my head to them and blinked my left eye hoping that they would be impressed by me. After that I rushed to a bathroom(could also say restroom) to make sure that my hair looked cool. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw that there was something sticking on my face. I don't know what it was but I felt really embarrassed. I went out of the shop immediatelly for good.

7. Mai 2015
Correct me. please.
5. Mai 2015
haha.you are funny!
5. Mai 2015
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