La prononciation: Un défi (challenge) pour les ''French Learners'' Generally, Pronunciation is one of the most difficult aspect of French especially for beginners. Here are some of the solutions: 1) Listen very carefully to french speakers (News,Short Movies ...) 2) try to imitate their pronunciation and how they move their mouthes with precision 3) look at the mirror and simulate a pronunciation exercise (''articuler c'est important ! '' ) 4) Finally, Practice !! :)) Any question is welcome, I have many pronunciation examples and exercises. PS: English people you can correct my english please :)))
27. Mai 2015 07:46
Korrekturen · 5

La prononciation: Un défi (challenge) pour les ''French Learners''

Generally, pronunciation is one of the most difficult aspects <em>("one of the most" implies the plural, thus aspects) </em>of French especially for beginners. Here are some of the solutions:
1) Listen very carefully to French speakers (news, short movies ...) <em>(even the adjective "French" is capitalized in English, but there's no need to capitalize the list in brackets)</em>

2) try to imitate their pronunciation and how they move their mouths <em>(no "e" in mouths)</em> with precision

3) look in the mirror and simulate a pronunciation exercise (''articuler c'est important ! '' ) <em>(you always look *in* a mirror if you are looking at yourself, and only *at* the mirror if you are examining the mirror itself)</em>

4) Finally, practice!! :)) <em>(No spaces before punctuation in English. French: « Oui ! » English: "Yes!" Spaces afterwards normally, except between multiple punctuation.)</em>

Any question is welcome, I have many pronunciation examples and exercises. <em>(This is fine but the plural sounds better: "Any questions are welcome")</em>
PS: English people speakers you can correct my English please if you like :))) <em>("English people" means people from England, not necessarily speakers of English. You normally use please at the end of questions: "Can you correct my English, please?" End with "if you like" if you are inviting people to do so but not in the form of a question. I think it's similar to the difference between "Si vous voulez, m'accompagner au cinema." and "Voulez-vous m'accompagner au cinema?")</em>

27. Mai 2015
I have a lot of trouble with "écureuil" and "grenouille"!
27. Mai 2015
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