第一次式 你好, 我自从去11月学习汉语。 我不会说太帮了, 还是我要很多进步。 我会读汉字,但是不太多了。我希望来去中国也住在那里。我希望是老。 这里,地方里现在住,我教英语。但是,我就工作后教。我工作在帮助台。
28. Mai 2015 23:21
Korrekturen · 14


嗨, 我从去11月开始学习汉语。 我说得不太棒, 但是我非常想取得进步。 我会读汉字,但不是太多。我希望去中国并且住在那里。我希望成为一名教师。在我现在所住的地方,我在教英语,但是只在下班后教。我的工作是技术支持(帮助台)。 I referred to a professional dictionary about network just now and found "帮助台" is indeed a kind of IT platform. Never heard of that before. I apologize.

 Hi, I have been studying Chinese since November. I don't speak very well, but I want very much to improve. I can read Chinese characters, but not many. I hope to come to China and live there. I hope to be a teacher. Here, where I live, I teach English. However, I teach only after work. I work in technical support (help desk).

29. Mai 2015


你好, 我自从去11月开始学习汉语。 我不会说太帮了(1)还是很多进步加油。 我会读汉字,但是不太多了(3)。我希望来去(4)中国并且住在那里。我希望是老(5)这里,地方里现在住,我在我现在住的地方教英语。但是,我就工作后教。我的工作在帮助台(6)。


1. I don't understand this. 我 I 不会 can't 说 speak 太 very 帮 help 了 tense.

2. 加油 literally means to fill in gas/oil, you might see this in gas station. But it also functions as a self encouragement phrase that basically means i need to be better or get better.

3. I think you are trying to say not too much? You should say something like "但是也不要太多", which means "but not too much".

4. 来去 = Come and go. 我希望去中国 is (one of) the correct way to say "I want to go to china" with future tense implications.

5. 我 I 希望 wish/want 是 is (auxilary) 老 old. I don't quite understand this sentence.

6. I don't understand these sentences at all. They lack tense and auxiliaries or binding particles in order to make it sound like sentence, right now they are just words.


Great start, good luck!

29. Mai 2015


你好, 我从去11月学习汉语。 我不会说太帮了(I am a little confused about what you were trying to say here, maybe you can give an English version of this), 还是我多进步。 我会读汉字,但是不太多。我希望来去中国并且住在那里。我希望一直到老。 这里,地方里现在住(在我现在住的地方),我教英语。但是,我就工作后教(I am quite confused about how to correct this)。我工作在帮助台(what you wrote is "help station", and perhaps you meant mutual aid platforms like italki?)

You can give us an English version of this essay so we can understand what you wanted to express more exactly. Maybe you can't organize your language quite well for now, but pratice more and you will be able to speak better.

29. Mai 2015


你好, 我从去年11月学习汉语。 我不会说太棒, 还是我需要更多进步。 我会读汉字,但是不太多。我希望去中国并且住在那里。我希望是老师。 这里,在我现在住的地方,我教英语。但是,教英语不是我的工作。我工作在帮助台。


Here is a corrected version of my entry based on suggestions given. Thanks for the help, please let me know if I can still improve further.

29. Mai 2015


你好, 我自从去11月学习汉语。 我不会说太帮了, 还是我要很多进步。 我会读汉字,但是不太多了。我希望来去中国也住在那里。我希望是老。 这里,地方里现在住,我教英语。但是,我就工作后教。我工作在帮助台。


Hi, I have been studying Chinese since November. I don't speak very well, but I want very much to improve. I can read Chinese characters, but not many. I hope to come to China and live there. I hope to be a teacher. Here, where I live, I teach English. However, I teach only after work. I work in technical support (help desk).

29. Mai 2015
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