Today' SYORINJIKENPO club activity I woke up at 7 o'clock. 私は7時に起きました。 I prepare today's resson and went to SYORINJIKENPO hall at 9 o'clock. 今日の練習の準備をして、9時に少林寺拳法の道場に行きました。 I learned punch and kick. 突きと蹴りを学びました。 SYORINJIKENPO is very difficult,I taught a lot of things by senior and coach. 少林寺拳法はとても難しいです、先輩やコーチにたくさんのことを教えて頂きました。 Tomorrow,Tokyo metropolitan area tournament is held at Tokyo Martial arts studiam. 明日は、東京武道館で東京都大会が開催されます。 I'll support my seniors BecauseI can't compete tomorrow's match. 私は明日の試合には出られないので、先輩達を補助します。
4. Juli 2015 10:40
Korrekturen · 1

Today's SYORINJIKENPO Club Activity

I woke up at 7 o'clock.
I prepared for today's lesson and went to SYORINJIKENPO hall at 9 o'clock.
I learned how to punch and kick.
SYORINJIKENPO is very difficult, I got taught a lot of things by my seniors and coach.

Tomorrow, Tokyo metropolitan area tournament is held at Tokyo Martial Arts Stadium.
I'll support my seniors because I can't compete in tomorrow's match.

5. Juli 2015
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