Me here! Hi my name is rosely, im 26 years old and i have a beautiful family, i want to learn english because we eill move on to live on canada the next year and i need a better english for that. I know that my vocabulary is too short but i hope learn more here. Sorry for the grammar and every mistake here!
24. Juli 2015 06:35
Korrekturen · 4

Me here!

Hi my name is Rosely, I' m 26 years old and I have a beautiful family. I want to learn English because we eill move on to live will be moving to on Canada the next year and i I need a better English for that. I know that my vocabulary is too short limited but I hope learn more here. Sorry for the grammar and every all  the  mistakes here!


Don't worry about your mistakes, you have to make them in order to correct them and improve.


Good luck with your studies !

24. Juli 2015

Me Here! (<em>Tecnicamente si es un título, necesitas hacer las letras primeras de cada palabra mayúsculas. No sé como eso trabaja en español...</em>)


Hi, my name is Rosely. I'm/I am 26 years old. and I have a beautiful family and I (<em>la "I" es opcional; no la necesita si no quieres ponerla allí</em>) want to learn English because we will move on to live on canada (<em>tienes unas pocas opciones aquí...)</em>


1. we will be moving to live in Canada

2. we will be moving to Canada (<em>no necesitas "para vivir"--"to live" porque la implicación, por lo menos en inglés, es cuando una persona se mueve a otro país o otro lugar es para vivir allí)</em>

3. we will be moving to Canada to live (there) (<em>no estoy completamente seguro si se necesita "allí"--"there"... Es una opción y creo que escucha mejor y más correcto que si no estuvo allí. Sin embargo, a mi oído esta opción no suena buena)</em>

4. we will move to live in Canada

5. we will move to Canada

6. we will move to Canada to live (there)

(<em>Yo </em><em>escogería la opción número dos. A mi oído suena lo mejor, pero numero cinco está bien también.)</em>


the next year, and I need a better English for that (<em>otra posibilidad... "and for that I need better</em> English). I know that my vocabulary is too short limited, but I hope (<em>tienes unas pocas opciones aquí otra vez...</em>


1. I learn

2. I will learn

3. to learn (<em>esta es la opción la que prefiero</em>)


more here. Sorry for the (<em>o, "my"</em>) grammar and every mistake (<em>o, "all the mistakes</em><em>"</em>) here (<em>"aquí" también es opcional</em>)!


<em>Yo lo haría así:</em>


<em>"Me Here!</em>

<em>Hi, my name is Rosely. I am 26 years old. I have a beautiful family and want to learn English because we will be moving to Canada next year, and for that I need better English. I know that my vocabulary is limited, but I hope to learn more here. Sorry for my grammer and all the mistakes!"</em>


<em>Sabes que aprendo a hablar y escribir en español. Por eso espero que entiendes todos mis commentarios en español jaja. Intenté... :) </em><em>

2. August 2015

Me Here!

Hi, my name is Rosely, I'm 26 years old and have a beautiful family. I want to learn English because we will move to canada next year.  I need to improve my English. I know that my vocabulary is limited but I hope I will learn more here. Sorry for my grammar and mistakes!

24. Juli 2015
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