Sylvia Liu
Essay 6 - 3 Idiots Does everybody seen this movie? This movie was released in 2011 in China but I didn't see it until last week. I was shocked by the hero Rancho,he was such a intelligent men,righteous,flexable,loving science. He has two friends, Farlan and Raju.He helped them and encouraged them to chase their dreams,however he didn't tell them his own secret. His real identity is the son of Rancho's garderner,he was bring up by Rancho‘s father,his real name was Phunsukh.Wangdu. Rancho's father allowed he to learn in school but for return he had to use a fake identity Rancho and disappeared after he grauted.Then he disappared ten years after commencement. But in these ten years,he has applied 400 patents in science and found a science school,use his method to teach the children. He also reaped his love with Pia. An inspirational and laughable movie.Recommend everyone to see.
28. Juli 2015 09:16
Korrekturen · 2

Essay 6 - 3 Idiots

Does everybody seen this movie?

Has anybody seen this movie?

This movie was released in 2011 in China but I didn't see it until last week.

I was shocked by the hero Rancho,

I was impressed by the hero Rancho. <em>('Shocked' implies being very surprised in a negative way)</em>


he was such a intelligent men,righteous,flexable,loving science.

He was such an intelligent man, with principles, flexibility and loved science.

He has two friends, Farlan and Raju.

He had two friends, Farlan and Raju.


He helped them and encouraged them to chase their dreams,

He helped and encouraged them to chase their dreams.


However he didn't tell them his own secret.

However, he didn't tell them of his own secret.

His real identity is the son of Rancho's garderner,

His real identity was the son of Rancho's garderner.


he was bring up by Rancho‘s father,his real name was Phunsukh.Wangdu.
He was brought up by Rancho‘s father. His real name was Phunsukh Wangdu.

Rancho's father allowed he to learn in school but for return he had to use a fake identity Rancho

Rancho's father allowed Phunsukh to go to school but in return, Phunsukh had to use a fake identity Rancho. <em>(I replaced 'him' and 'he' with the actual name to make the sentence much clearer about who is doing the replacing)</em>


and disappeared after he grauted.Then he disappared ten years after commencement.

After graduating, he disappeared for ten years.

But in these ten years,he has applied 400 patents in science and found a science school,use his method to teach the children.

In those ten years, he made 400 scientific patents and founded a science school using his own unique methods to teach the children. <em>(must use 'founded' to stress that he started the school, 'found' would mean the school already existed and was discovered by Phunsukh)</em>

He also reaped his love with Pia.

He also stayed true to his love, Pia, and they found each other again at the end of the movie.

An inspirational and laughable movie.Recommend everyone to see.

An inspirational and amusing movie. I would recommend everybody to watch it.

29. Juli 2015
I saw it about 3 years ago it was a wonderful movie . the actor Aamir Khan , this movie one of the best Indian movies I was watched
28. Juli 2015
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