Finding partime job Yesterday, my aunt and her daughter paid visit to me. My aunt asked me whether I can accompany her daughter to find a partime in this area. And I agreed. This morning, we woke up early. We went there by bike. There are many factories there. We would ask the guide if the factory hanging any recruiment out. Many of them have recruiment, but they don't need partimer. Finally, she found one and are required to her interview tomorrow morning. 昨天,我的小姑和她的女儿过来我们家,我们能不能陪她女儿去这附近找一份兼职,我答应了。 今早,我们都起得很早。我们骑单车过去那里。那边有很多工厂。如果那些工厂贴出了招聘广告,我们就会问一下门口的保安。很多工厂都贴出了招聘广告,但是不招兼职工。最后,她找到了一份兼职,明天早上去面试。
30. Juli 2015 03:46
Korrekturen · 3

Finding partime job

Yesterday, my aunt and her daughter paid visit to me paid me a visit. My aunt asked me whether I can accompany her daughter to find a partime [job] in this area. And I agreed.

This morning, we woke up early. We went there by bike. There are many factories there. We would ask the guide if the factory hanging any recruiment out is hiring. Many of them have recruiment are hiring, but they don't need any partimers. Finally, she found one and are is required to have her interview tomorrow morning. (I would probably say: Finally, she found one and has to have an interview tomorrow morning.)



30. Juli 2015
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