Woow! Hi, how are you today? I recently knew there are people correct your Notebook! Thank you to those people corrected my Notebook into right sentences! It is really good to know what I often lack words when writing sentences. Even I am a student in abroad for four years, my English still has so many mistakes :( By the way, I have no classes on Mondays and Wednesdays so I usually go to Boxing gym regularly. I just started going to the gym since a few weeks ago and I was able to lose about -3kilo so far! My weight was 45 kilo in August last year and now it is 52 kilo after loosing weight.. I know why I gained so much in just a year, because life style changes. I was in Darwin Australia last year (took Leave Of Absence at uni for a year) and working 6 days a week base and felt the price there is so expensive! So I stop eating snacks and carbonated drinks. Although, since I came back from Australia to the Philippines, there are so many options to eat & drinks with reasonable price!!!! Since then I got fatter and fatter, especially Filipino cuisine are mostly made with sugar!! Hopefully, in a few month I could write in this Notebook that I lost 7 more kilos ! Bye bye
3. Aug. 2015 08:20
Korrekturen · 1


Hi, how are you today?
I recently knew learned that there are people who correct your Notebook!
Thank you to those people who corrected my Notebook into right (this word works but the word 'proper' would sound more fluent sentences!
It is really good to know what I often lack words what words I use wrong when writing sentences.
Even though I am was a student in abroad for four years, my English still has so many mistakes :(

By the way, I have no classes on Mondays and Wednesdays so I usually go to a Boxing gym. regularly.  I would end the sentence without this word. However if you want to include it, I would place it earlier in the sentence instead of the word usually.
I just started going to the gym since a few weeks ago and I was have been able to lose about 3 kilos so far!
My weight was 45 kilos in August last year and now it is 52 kilos after loosing weight..
I know why I gained so much weight in just a year, it was because of life style changes.
I was in Darwin, Australia last year (I took a Leave Of Absence at from uni for a year) and working 6 days a week base I am not sure what you are writing here. Do you mean to say you worked 6 days a week on 'average'? and felt that the prices there is so are very expensive! So I stopped eating snacks and carbonated drinks.
Although, since I came back from Australia to the Philippines, there are so many options of things to eat & drinks with reasonable prices!!!! Since then I got fatter and fatter, especially since Filipino cuisine are is mostly made with sugar!!
Hopefully, in a few months I could will be able to write in this Notebook that I lost 7 more kilos !
Bye bye



RED- Words/phrases that are wrong.

GREEN- Words that I would use to replace wrong words/phrases.

ORANGE- Words that aren't incorrect but could be replaced with better words.

YELLOW- Places where I added punctuation.

BLUE- When I am not sure of your meaning.

3. August 2015
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