The begginig Hi, my name is Ruben , and yhis is my first time in italki, I would like to speak properly English by skype, I would like to use skype because I need improve my speaking and my listening. If someone wants to help me ,let me know, I can teach and practice Spanish to the people who wants to learn it. So we could do a nice tandem!!! Thanks a lot!!!And I hope to see u soon..
3. Aug. 2015 11:58
Korrekturen · 2

The Beginning begginig

Hi, my name is Ruben, and this is my first time on italki. I would like to speak properly English properly  using by skype. I would like to use skype because I need to improve my speaking and my listening.
If someone wants to help me, let me know, in exchange I can teach and practice Spanish. to the people who wants to learn it. We could work together well.
So we could do a nice tandem!!!
Thanks a lot!!!And I hope to see you soon..

3. August 2015
Hi, I am interested in this I want to learn spanish via skype and will help you to learn English... PM me for my skype id,..
3. August 2015
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