英語で日本語の単語を説明してみます。 ①、じっくり:三日間でこのキャンパスをじっくりで見ます。 :We look this campus carefully. ②、留年:最近居酒屋の客足も鈍いし、せがれも留年されたし、金銭面が厳しいです。 :The bar is losing customers,and my son need to stay in the same class for another year recently,I am short of money. ③、父と兄さんは交代で病院でお婆さんの看護をやるから、私たちは売れ筋の原材料の仕入れを担当します。 My father and elder brother take care of our grandmother by turns,we are in charge of purchasing materials for hot products. ④、土砂降りの日に、軽食を食べながらテレビを見ながら終日を潰します。 In the heavy rainning day,we kill time of the hole day by eating snac while watching TV. ⑤今日から明日にかけて講義があります。差支えがなければ、私の好きな銘柄のビールを買ってもらいますか? I have classes from today to tomorrow.If it's not inconvenient,could you buy my favorite brand of beer for me?
25. Nov. 2015 16:05
Korrekturen · 7


④、土砂降りの日に、お菓子軽食つまみ食べながらテレビを見ながら暇を潰します。/ 終日を過ごします終日を潰します



30. November 2015

:We look this campus carefully.
→ We will look around this campus carefully in three days.


:The bar is losing customers, and my son need to stay in the same class for another year recently,I am short of money.
→ The bar recently lost customers, and my son need to stay in the same class for another year, so I am short of money.



My father and elder brother take care of our grandmother by turns, we are in charge of purchasing materials of hot products.
→ Because my father and elder brother take care of our grandmother by turns, we are in charge of purchasing materials of hot products.


*お婆さん: old woman
あばあさん: grandmother



In the heavy rainning day,we kill time of the hole day by eating snac while watching TV.
→ On the heavy rainning day, we kill time of the hole day watching TV while eating snack.


I have classes from today to tomorrow.If it's not inconvenient,could you buy my favorite brand of beer for me?
→ I have classes from today to tomorrow. If you don't not mind, could you buy me my favorite brand of beer?


It may helps.

27. November 2015
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