How can tourism develop without damaging the planet? A massive quantity of people gets away at least once a year, as a result of this not only the total use of fuel for the transport but also the damage on our planet is enormous. Firstly, we might reduce the harm caused on the Earth by going on long term travels, in the respect of enviroment and atmosphere. In fact it is possible to choose eco-friendly resorts, or marvellous campsites rather than super-tecnological hotels that consume excessively. However, in terms of waste means of transport play an essential role in the global balance. Neverthless tourists seem to be still accustumed to moving by car instead of by bus, plane or train. In fact the latter ought to be considered more as it can carry an ampler number of passengers at the same time. In the last analysis, in a travel a lot of aspects should be taken in account such as transport, the food we eat, the consuption of plastic, with a view to developing a safe tourism. FCE
25. Nov. 2015 18:01