Please correct these sentences 1. I bet, he is not flawless, so he will show his real identity and Ann will know that he is a narcissist or keen scrapper, for example. - No, you are judgmental. 2. Ah, it is a shard of an original ancient vase. - Are you sure it is authentic? 3. My mother-in-low has saw me an incredible patchwork blanket. 4. How they could have a courtship. They have not any commonalities. 5. Don't trust Ann's companion, he is clueless. His ignorance astonishes me. I suppose, it is useless even to try to enlighten him. 6. Tom is nerdy, he is destined to be alone all his life, because any his girlfriend would die because of boredom. 7. We were waiting for you in the patch of shade under the palms, so we could doze a little saving ourself from the baking sun. 8. Her kin has inherited all Tom's property. 9. When an animal met a predator, it bristled initially, then it run away into its burrow. 10. An ape got a terrible trauma. A vet prescribed some pills for the ape.
27. Nov. 2015 09:12
Korrekturen · 7

Please correct these sentences

1. I bet, he is not flawless, so he will show his real identity and Ann will know that he is a narcissist or keen scrapper, for example. - No, you are judgmental.


I bet he is not flawless , and soon he will show his true character ; then Ann will know that he is a narcissist or ,maybe , a keen scrapper . No , you are being judgemental .

Scrapper ? > a person who like to fight or argue over something ?

He can be a real scrapper if he thinks he needs to defend his right.

identity> who a person is.

character> combined qualities of a person .

I bet there are some ways to know her real identity , even though she wont tell us who she is.

From the descriptions of the character of the person ,we hope to find out the identity of that person .

For example > is to introduce something that is part of a longer list . You mean she will know that he is a nacissist or a keen scrapper etc etc .

Maybe > you are not certain over something


2. Ah, it is a shard of an from the original ancient vase. - Are you sure it is authentic?

Of an > belonging to any original vase

From the> belonging to the one mentioned.

This is a shard of an ancient vase , but could you tell me if it's from the original vase ?

3. My mother-in-low has sawn me an incredible patchwork blanket.

4. How they could they have a courtship ! They have nothing in common/ There is no commonality of interest between them/ they have no commonality in anything not any commonalities.

Commonality > a sharing of something in common . Tom and Ann's commonality in their love of gardening has ....

5. Don't trust Ann's companion . He is clueless. His ignorance astonishes me. I suppose, it is useless even to try to enlighten him.


6. Tom is nerdy,and he is destined to be alone all his life  because any of his girlfriend would die because of from boredom.


Comma usage > If 2 sentences like above are not related and not a sequence of events , use 'comma with and' >> , and .

Sequence of events > I came , saw and conquered . I walk in , look around and left

Or use , ; = , and . Tom is nerdy ; he is destined to live ...

7. We were waiting for you in the patch of shade under the palms, so we could doze off a bit/little and saving ourself from the baking sun.


8. Her kin has inherited all of Tom's property.

9. When an animal encounter/meet a predator, it would bristled initially, then it would run away into its burrow.

When >if > something that were to to happpen , but did not . So, use 'would"> likely in your mind

The animal encountered a predator, it bristled initially before runnung into its burrow ( This incident happened)


encounter > to meet (someone) without expecting or intending to

10. An ape got had a terrible injury/ trauma (on its body). A vet prescribed some pills for the ape.

Trauma= serious injury . But, trauma can also means psychological problems , so its better to specify


27. November 2015

Please correct these sentences

1. I bet, he is not flawless, so he will show his real identity and Ann will know that he is a narcissist or a keen scrapper, for example. - No, you are judgmental.
2. Ah, it is a shard from an original ancient vase. - Are you sure it is authentic?
3. My mother-in-law has sewn me an incredible patchwork blanket.
4. How they could have a courtship. They don't have any thing in common.
5. Don't trust Ann's companion, he is clueless. His ignorance astonishes me. I suppose, it is useless even to try to enlighten him.
6. Tom is nerdy, he is destined to be alone all his life, because any his girlfriend would die because of boredom.
7. We were waiting for you in the patch of shade under the palms, so we could doze a little, saving ourself from the baking sun.
8. Her kin have inherited all Tom's property.
9. When an animal met a predator, it bristled initially, then it ran away into its burrow.
10. An ape had a terrible trauma. A vet prescribed some pills for the ape.


Hello Yljaha,


Just a few small corrections, but no major problems.



27. November 2015
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