Autumn.SUP.St.Petersburg How often do people try something new? As for myself, it usually happens on vacations, when I leave my hometown and go somewhere. A lot of things occur of my own accord. Just because this is go in that way there. For example, I tasted tajin in Morocco and spent a night in a tent putting on snow in Iceland (there is a lot of snow in my country, but I have never did it here). But this autumn I tried Standup paddle boarding in October in St.Ptersburg! It was wonderful! To tell the truth, I had to get into 5mm wet suit, since it was cold (the air temperature was about 5 degrees above zero). But only these time boating becomes less popular among the tourists and you are able to paddleboard along rivers and canals in St.Petersburg. I have done it three times in October and am going to do it again next spring. I also would like to try serfing next summer. I know that some people do it now! And I really admire them! Just to inform you - today air temperature was 3-4 degrees above zero (in the city) but with the wind I felt it as 4 degrees below zero. I cannot imagine how they do it! Here is a picture about harsh russian surfing)))) (photo by Yulia Ilina)
28. Nov. 2015 19:55
Korrekturen · 1

Autumn. SUP. St. Petersburg

How often do people try something new? As for myself, it usually happens on vacations(holidays), when I leave my hometown and go somewhere. A lot of things occur of my own accord. Just because of the way things are done this is go in that way there. For example, I tasted Tajin in Morocco and spent a night in a tent putting erected on snow in Iceland (there is a lot of snow in my country, but I have never did it done that here). But However, this autumn I tried Standup paddle boarding in October in St.Petersburg! It was wonderful! To tell the truth, I had to get into a 5mm wet suit, since it was cold (the air temperature was about 5 degrees above zero), but only at this these time boating becomes less popular among the tourists and you are able to paddleboard along rivers and canals in St.Petersburg. I have done it three times in October and am going to do it again next spring. I also would like to try surfing next summer. I know that some people do it now! And I really admire them! Just to inform you - today air temperature was 3-4 degrees above zero (in the city) but with the wind it felt it as like 4 degrees below zero. I cannot imagine how they do it! Here is a picture about harsh Russian surfing)))) (photo by Yulia Ilina)


Really good Liudmila! Try not to start a sentence with "but", better to use "However".

I must agree with you, at home I cannot ride an Elephant or a Camel, touch a live crocodile or hold a python, try Borscht or even go snorkelling in warm water! On holiday these are possible!

Some surfers are determined... I have seen some in a storm in Brazil when I wasn't prepared to step outside the hotel. The visibility was so bad and the waves were almost breaching the wall.

"vacation" - American = "holiday" - English

1. Dezember 2015
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