Scolarship application I think a scolarship will benefit me because it will give me the chance to reach better oportunities of study since the only good oportunities in my country are for rich kids. I live in a third world country and not all kids have chances to study, it's true that the government it's implementing a lot of plans for the kids to study, it's building schools, giving to some of them computers to make things a little better, but it's not enough, kids still have to go out and work to help their families. In a recent study made for the government they said that the economy was getting "better" because the income of the families in extreme poverty increased from less than a dolar a day to almost near a dolar a day which translated is $0.84. There are still problems to solve and I want to study in a center of high quality of education to help improve our country and to solve our mindset problems.
30. Nov. 2015 20:31
Korrekturen · 1

Scholarship application

I think a scholarship will benefit me, because it will give me the chance to have better oportunities to study, since the only good oportunities in my country are for rich kids. I live in a third world country so not all kids have the chance to study. It's true that the government is implementing a lot of plans for kids to study. It's building schools and giving some of the kids computers to make things a little better, but it's not enough, kids still have to go out and work to help their families. A recent study made for the government said that the economy was getting "better," because the income of families in extreme poverty increased from less than a dollar a day to nearly a dollar a day, which translates to $0.84. There are still problems to solve, so I want to study in a center for high quality education so I can help improve our country and solve our mindset problems.

30. November 2015
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