I would like to get married, but I don't even have a boyfriend. Some of my friends start getting married and I felt left behind. I think the last time I had a crush was like when I was a high school student. I couldn't tell him my feeling because I don't have an enough courage. I don't fall in love since then. I really hope that I will meet someone that I like and like me back. Every time I see couples in downtown, I felt so jealous. Why couldn't I have a boyfriend. Everyone seems have it. I would like to be loved and I would like to love someone. How and where do they meet and start relationships. I just can't understand. I felt fear of being left on the shelf.
28. Apr. 2024 00:11
Korrekturen · 14
I would like to get married, but I don't even have a boyfriend. Some of my friends have married, leaving me feeling left behind. I think the last time I had a crush was as a high school student. I wasn't able to tell him my feelings because I lacked the courage. I haven't fallen in love since then. I really hope to meet someone that I like and who likes me back. Whenever I see couples downtown, I feel so jealous. Why can't I have a boyfriend? Everyone else seems to have one. I would like to be loved and I would like to love someone. How and where do people meet and start relationships? I just can't understand. I feel a fear of being left on the shelf. Perhaps you can take comfort in music. The thoughts you express are universal. Every language has songs that say exactly what you have said. I will suggest to you a French song. Not knowing French should be no obstacle because nowadays technology makes it possible to understand the words in any language: "Tous les garçons e les filles" by Francoise Hardy. Her words are exactly the same as yours.
28. Apr. 2024 14:25
I would like to get married, but I don't even have a boyfriend. Some of my friends started getting married, and I felt left behind. I think the last time I had a crush was like when I was a high school student. I couldn't tell him my feelings because I don't have enough courage. I haven’t fallen in love since then. I really hope that I will meet someone that I like and that they like me back. Every time I see couples in downtown, I feel so jealous. Why couldn't I have a boyfriend. Everyone seems have one. I would like to be loved and I would like to love someone. How and where do they meet and start relationships. I just can't understand. I'm worried about being left on the shelf.
28. Apr. 2024 10:31
I would like to get married, but I don't even have a boyfriend. Some of my friends start getting married and I feel like I'm m left behind. I think the last time I had a crush was when I was a high school student. I couldn't tell him my feelings because I didn't have enough courage. I haven't fallen in love since then. I really hope that I will meet someone that I like and who'll like me back. Every time I see couples in downtown, I feel so jealous. Why couldn't I have a boyfriend? Every girl seems to have one. I would like to be loved and I would like to love someone in return. I wonder how and where they met and started their relationship. I just can't understand. I'm afraid of being left behind.
Life can sometimes feel dull, especially the way you describe it but you never know what what the future can be made of. I hope you'll find someone that suits you. Take care.
28. Apr. 2024 01:17
I would like to get married, but I don't even have a boyfriend. Some of my friends are starting to get married and I feel left behind. I think the last time I had a crush was like when I was in high school. I couldn't tell him my feelings because I didn’t have enough courage. I haven't fallen in love since then. I really hope that I will meet someone that I like and who likes me back. Every time I see couples in downtown, I feel so jealous. Why can't I have a boyfriend? Everyone seems to have one. I would like to be loved and to love someone. How and where do they meet and start relationships? I just can't understand. I’m afraid of being left behind.
よく書けてますよ✨ そして、naomiさんの気持ちがよくわかりますよ。一度も彼氏ができたことありません。私以外に皆全員彼氏がいるらしいと感じます。「私は変な人かな?ぶさすぎるかな?」とよく考えてます。最近、デートアプリをダウンロードしました。私も他のカップルを見たら、ちょっとうらやましくなります。私だったらいいのにと考えてます。どんなに時間がかかっても、naomiさんはきっと素敵な男性と会えると信じてますよー♡ 心配しないでくださいね!
2. Mai 2024 06:11
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28. Apr. 2024 13:05
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