Create sentences with the words: 1) taking care 2) treat 3) program 4) donating 5) canopy 1- We are not taking care enough of our planet 2- There are a lot of trees firing in the Amazon forest, we need to treat it. 3- Rainforest programe is very important 4- You can help social programs by donating 5- A canopy of the tree can provide us shadow Answer the questions: 1- Have you ever tried plant trees? Describe your experience. Yes, I’ve plant a Sicilian lemon tree in my house, it has been a very good experience because I’ve seen the tree growing up in my garden and I love taking care of my tree. Besides, I love the smell of lemon and I’m look forward to harvest my lemons. 2- What other things you can do to help save the environment? I can reduce the amount of waste I produce by recycling some items in my home and I can turn off the faucet when I’m brushing my teeth and when I’m taking a shower. 3- Do you think it is important to take care of the environment? Why? I think it’s very important to take care of the environment because, for example, trees can provide oxygen helping us to breathe and the water is essencial for people living. I also think we need to think in the next generation. How will they live? How will animals survive? The amount of waste we produce are increasing, the animals are extinguishing, water is scarce in some places and the global warm is increasing. So, it’s very important to start thinking about the environment and help the planet. 🌱 🌍 💦
23. Feb. 2021 12:36
Korrekturen · 2
Create sentences with the words: 1) taking care 2) treat 3) program 4) donating 5) canopy 1- We are not taking enough care of our planet 2- There are a lot of trees burning in the Amazon forest, we need to treat it. 3- Rainforest programe is very important 4- You can help social programs by donating 5- A canopy of the tree can provide us shade Answer the questions: 1- Have you ever tried to plant trees? Describe your experience. Yes, I’ve planted a Sicilian lemon tree in my house, it has been a very good experience because I’ve seen the tree growing up in my garden and I love taking care of my tree. Besides, I love the smell of lemon and I’m look forward to harvest my lemons. 2- What other things you can do to help save the environment? I can reduce the amount of waste I produce by recycling some items in my home and I can turn off the faucet when I’m brushing my teeth and when I’m taking a shower. 3- Do you think it is important to take care of the environment? Why? I think it’s very important to take care of the environment because, for example, trees can provide oxygen helping us to breathe and the water is essential for people living. I also think we need to think about the next generation. How will they live? How will animals survive? The amount of waste we produce is increasing, the animals are going extinct, water is scarce in some places and the global temperature is increasing. So, it’s very important to start thinking about the environment and help the planet. 🌱 🌍 💦
23. Februar 2021
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