It has passed three months since the Japanese ship WAKASAGI ran aground off Mauritius which was sailed by Indian captain. The ship was loaded with combustible fuels. The Mauritius is a small island and equivalent to1.5 as large as Okinawa. The Current position of the ship is still the center of Mauritian sea and people are still trying to stop running off the heavy oil. Some reports say that ,even if they do their best,it will take a few decades to completely recover. The Majority of the Mauritian industry is sightseeing targeted on the beautiful sea. So this matter is so serious. Japan has to resolve this issue through the communication and dialogue with Mauritians and support them by visible way from now on. And taking the matter predecessor had done,shipping industry should improve the situation.
19. Okt. 2020 05:37
Korrekturen · 2
It has been three months since the Japanese ship Wakasagi, which was sailed by Indian captain, ran aground off Mauritius. The ship was loaded with combustible fuels. The Mauritius is a small island and 1.5 times the size of Okinawa. The ship’s current position is still in the middle of the Mauritian sea, and people are still trying to stop the heavy oil from leaking. Some reports say that even if they do their best, it will take a few decades for the area to completely recover. The Mauritian economy is primarily based on sightseeing in its beautiful sea, so this is a serious matter. Japan has to resolve this issue through the communication and dialogue with Mauritians and provide concrete support to them from now on. As a result of this event, the shipping industry should take measures to improve the situation.
The dependent clause in the first sentence should follow what it modifies that is why I moved it. Good job!
19. Oktober 2020
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