how to know the correct Portuguese to English the phrase is reversed how do I know where
2. Juni 2011 18:26
Antworten · 4
A question for the ages. . .
2. Juni 2011
thanks for answering
2. Juni 2011
Hi I think that these italki sites will help you. Hi, these Italki English/Portuguese speaking language partners can be contacted by you to set up a practice time. Be aware of time differences between countries. Go to: You can also learn English using Portuguese as your base language here at Italki. Go to:
2. Juni 2011
It is not really reversed in those languages,you might be rather comparing English with Chinese! In all cases you better learn English as a separate language and not compare its sentence strucutre with Portuguese, learn to think 'English' while learning it.
2. Juni 2011
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