it was worth to wait or it was worth waiting? which is correct?
4. Dez. 2011 12:20
Antworten · 6
You could say "it was worth the wait" or "it was worth waiting for".
4. Dezember 2011
"be worth doing" is correct.
4. Dezember 2011
Actually, I think what you want to say is "it was worth waiting for . . . . " I hope that's what you mean anyway. And I hope whatever it was, was indeed worth waiting for :)
4. Dezember 2011
The interrogative form is "Was it worth waiting for?". The declarative form is "It was worth waiting for.".
4. Dezember 2011
The interrogative form is "Was it worth waiting for?". The declarative form is "It was worth waiting for.".
4. Dezember 2011
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