What does "vieni anche tu ..." mean? "Vieni anche tu al concerto di Gigi D'Alessio?" I thought "vieni" had already the meaning of "tu vieni"(you come) right? What does "vieni anche tu" mean here? Does it refer to a mode of expression? Grazie!And I see another sentence like this: "Venite anche voi dai signori Baldi".
15. März 2012 06:06
Antworten · 4
Vieni anche tu... = Do you come too to the concert...? Vieni al concerto? the subject is understood = Vieni (tu) al concerto? /Do you come to the concert? Vieni anche tu al conerto? As in the sentence there is 'anche', u must express the personal pronouns 'tu' and it must come after 'anche'.
15. März 2012
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