what is the meaning/explanation of particle "же" into a phrase?
18. Apr. 2013 19:59
Antworten · 7
serves to strengthen the emotional suggestions. for example, Я же точно это видел! or opposes the proposal to another. for example, Я выбрала красную ручку, а она же зеленую.
18. April 2013
We use the particle “Же” 1. to put special emphasis on a phrase said with annoyance or discontent over the fact that we have to talk about obviously things, to remind or require something again. Ты же знаешь, что не должен этого делать! – You know that you shouldn’t do it! Дождь же идёт, надень плащ! – It is raining, put on your raincoat! 2. to express coincidence: Остался там же, где был. – He remained in the same place where he was. Погода такая же, как вчера. – The weather is same as yesterday. We use the conjunction “же” 1. to oppose two sentences: Я ушёл, мой друг же остался. – I went away, but my friend remained; 2. to join an additional sentence: Когда мы приехали (приехали же мы летом), стояла солнечная погода. – When we arrived (we arrived in the summer), the weather was sunny.
20. April 2013
it depends on what phrase you mean. it hasn't got it's own meaning but helps to understand other particles in a right way... For exemple: "Я купил такую же рубашку, как и ты" It means "I've bought the same skirt as you did", and in this case "такая"+"же"="the same". You have to translate it only in a couple with other words...
18. April 2013
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