What is the difference between German (Germany) and German (Switzerland)? I noticed that when I was getting a German keyboard on my iPad, they had German (Germany) and German (Switzerland) options. Is there a difference between the two? Is it like English in America and Britain, where they both speak the same language but spell words differently/have words the other country doesn't?
22. Feb. 2014 18:13
Antworten · 7
It depends on the keyboard layout. German Keyboard layouts for Germany and Switzerland are slightly different. For example, Swiss German uses a keyboard layout without "ß" sign. So you cannot type ß directly using a single key on Swiss German keyboard. It is ony about typing symbols and not about the spellings.
22. Februar 2014
Hello, One main difference is the usage of ß ( say : es zet ) : This letter doesn't exist Switzerland, they use ss instead: Gruß - Gruss And yes, there is a difference between German and "Schwizerdütsch": German: Haus - "Schwizerdütsch: Huus. German: Brötchen - Schwizerdütsch: Weggli
2. März 2014
Hi what's your skype id ?
28. Februar 2014
I love listening to the Swiss talk, english or in their native German.
23. Februar 2014
Off topic, but if Swiss speak normal German, you can more or less understand them. If they speak their own dialect, then the differences are huge. I once listened to Swiss radio. I am pretty good in German but I cannot understand them.


They wont speak that to foreigners though, just as the Irish wont use a massive Belfast accent when they speak to tourists.
22. Februar 2014
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