"The grass is greener..." = 外国的月亮...? "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence." I received a suggestion that a Mandarin equivalent would be: 外国的月亮比中国圆 Which means something like: "The moon is more round outside of China." What are some suitable contexts where the Chinese proverb could be used? How would the English proverb be translated literally in Mandarin?
22. Feb. 2014 18:52
Antworten · 12
外國的月亮比較圓 「崇外的人,總以為外國的月亮比較圓。」 遠來的和尚會念經 比喻外來的人較受重視、歡迎。 如:「老闆抱著遠來的和尚會念經的心態,高薪聘請外國顧問,反忽略了基層人員。」 家花沒有野花香 家花 : 指妻子。 野花 : 俗稱妻子以外的女人。如:「路邊的野花不要採。」
23. Februar 2014
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. The Chinese proverb: 这山望着那山高 Translated literally in Mandarin: 篱笆外的草更绿 or 邻家芳草绿
22. Februar 2014
食品安全問題反映出 "信任關係"的全面崩潰 "外國月亮比較圓" 是"信任對象" 的轉移
26. Februar 2014
See this article for an example of the proverb in action: "Is the moon more round outside of China?" http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/793869.shtml#.UwzSveNdU1I
25. Februar 2014
It's very interesting thanks for sharing this. The grass is greener On the other side of the fence. The moon is more round,outside of China. Wives Of others' are prettier.
25. Februar 2014
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