What is the difference between class and classes? Hi I would like to know the difference between class and classes if I say: I went to class I went to classes Thanks in advance!
23. Juli 2014 20:44
Antworten · 4
If you say 'I went to class', this is similar to saying 'I went to school'. It means that you left your house and went to your class. If you are 'in class' this tells us where you are - you are not 'at home', you're 'in class'. 'I went to classes' means that, at some time in the past, you attended several different classes in different subjects, or that you attended a course that consisted of several classes.
23. Juli 2014
class is a singular noun classes is plural
23. Juli 2014
'Class' refers to a place or group of people, whereas when you speak about 'classes' you have in mind learning activity
13. August 2014
class -> singualar classes -> plural
23. Juli 2014
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