Shoot it straight I recently heard the expression "it is a straight shot", used giving direction, as "it is a direct way". "Shoot it straight" means "make it easy" I suppose. They look similar. Could I say "shoot it straight" giving direction?
2. Aug. 2014 09:12
Antworten · 10
Well, the answer, definitely, is NO. 'Shoot Straight" is an idiom, which means 'To talk/ deal honestly'. So, it doesn't mean what you think.
2. August 2014
Nope, people probably wouldn't know what you meant said that. "Shoot" here is not used like a traditional verb; it is in an idiom so the meaning doesn't carry over like that.
2. August 2014
No, don't use it. "It's a straight shot" is an idiom. It means you do not need to make any turns. "He's a straight shooter" means he is honest, plain spoken, and says exactly what he means. "Shoot it straight" is not an idiom. The only way it could be used is literally. "Put this arrow into your bow and shoot it straight."
2. August 2014
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