Some instructions How do I write the instruction: "Write the address on the envelope." How do I ask these questions? Are the oranges the sweetest fruit? What day (of the week) is it today? What different ways are there to say "Talk with your friend". ? How do I say "There is no-one here." To say 5 bananas, is this correct? 五梭香蕉
25. Aug. 2014 10:22
Antworten · 5
Write the address on the envelope.→ 信封要寫上地址 Are the oranges the sweetest fruit?→ 柳丁是最甜的水果嗎? What day (of the week) is it today?→ 今天是星期幾?or 今天是禮拜幾? Talk with your friend.→ 跟你朋友說 or 跟你朋友講 or 跟你朋友談談(it deepens your context) There is no-one here.→ 這裡沒人 or 沒人or 沒有人 or 沒人啊 (it deepens your context) 五梭香蕉→ 五根香蕉
25. August 2014
Cantonese will say "五梭香蕉". But others will prefer to use "把, 串,盘...” as the classifer for several bananas connected together. As " 只, 条, 根” ,we can use it to describe individual bananas.
26. August 2014
Write the address on the envelope.→ 信封要寫上地址 Are the oranges the sweetest fruit?→ 柳丁是最甜的水果嗎? What day (of the week) is it today?→ 今天是星期幾?or 今天是禮拜幾? Talk with your friend.→ 跟你朋友說 or 跟你朋友講 or 跟你朋友談談(it deepens your context) There is no-one here.→ 這裡沒人 or 沒人or 沒有人 or 沒人啊 (it deepens your context) 五梭香蕉→ 五根香蕉
25. August 2014
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