Joseph Lemien
a high maintenance girl In English, we can talk about a girl or a women who is "high maintenance." A girl is high maintenance if she requires her boyfriend or her husband to do a lot of things. She has many needs. How can I describe a girl this this in Chinese. Is there a word or phrase in Chinese to describe a girl like this?
29. Aug. 2014 07:22
Antworten · 4
There is none. You will need to be more specific, or direct, with your male chauvinism, or learn how to be a real man.
29. August 2014
对她说:“我们分手吧” 这样就可以了,不用谢
29. August 2014
We Chinese talk about this knid of girls as well. They hate working while demand big houses, luxury cars, quality cosmetics, grade garments, and, and, and so on... but what would we call them in Chinese? I really have no idea about it this moment.
29. August 2014
ex:这女孩是个大小姐,套句流行话来说,他罹患了公主病而且病得不轻. 大小姐=a spoiled girl. (was born in a rich family) 公主病=princess syndrome.
29. August 2014
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