Ukrainian and Russian What's the difference between those languages?
15. Sep. 2014 15:07
Antworten · 30
ukrainian isn`t a dialect of russian. it`s like to say that portuguese is a dialect of spanish. ok, it`s eternal polemic. learn any language you want but don`t suppose that ukranian isn`t a language.
15. September 2014
The Ukrainian language is descended from the Old East Slavic of the early medieval state of Kievan Rus'. Linguists proved that the Ukrainian with the Belarusian most like the old Slavonic. And these languages are not dialects, while in Russia there are quite a lot chauvinists who deny the existence of the Ukrainian history, Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian language. Such opinions trace its origins to the Russian Empire when there were strong advocacy and policy on the eradication of any symbols of the Ukrainian nation. Since Ukrainian and Russian is both my native languages, I can say that they are similar, but not really. With knowledge of Russian, you can just about grasp the sense of the Bulgarian speech. Knowing Ukrainian, you can understand Belarusian. But with knowledge of Russian, you don't understand Ukrainian (tested). And with knowledge of Ukrainian, you don't understand Russian.
17. September 2014
Ukrainian is dialect of Russian. I read the artcile about it. There are many archaisms, a lot of words from Polish and other languages. It's consrtucted language by Ukrainian people because they wanted to make a difference with Russia and Russian. Every Ukrainian can speak Russian, but Russians can't speak Ukrainian, but can understand it. Ukrainian is the dialect, it's not a real language.
15. September 2014
Most Ukrainians speak Russian as a second language, while most Russians have no idea of Ukrainian.
16. September 2014
in letters, endings, words, meanings, etc.
15. September 2014
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