Pedro Rios
Taco de ojo Como se dice taco de ojo en Ingles? segun yo es: eye candy?
30. Okt. 2014 18:47
Antworten · 2
Your translation sounds right. In English "eye candy" means something purely aesthetically pleasing, that is, pleasing to the senses. Can be a person, a film, a sunset, a flower, or anything else you can see. Also: n 1. a person who is or people considered highly attractive to look at, often implying that they are but lacking in intelligence or depth 2. something intended to be attractive to the eye without being demanding or contributing anything essential Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
30. Oktober 2014
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