chao mean goodbye in Spanish? Is Chao Italian or Spanish.I saw chao on my Spanish book.But when I said chao to a Spanish she told me it is Italian.
31. Okt. 2014 01:33
Antworten · 3
In italian: Ciao as hello... in Spanish: chao as goodbye
1. November 2014
Hola Royal, that's right, the italian word 'ciao' is used in spanish and at least in mexico is commonly used it but as Barbara said, it is pronounced 'chao' we also say 'chao chao' or 'bye bye' or just 'bye'... and yes , we say it in english... Saludos
31. Oktober 2014
Los italianos pronuncian así "Chiao" Nosotros en cambio lo pronunciamos así "Chao" y lo usamos solamente para despedirnos.
31. Oktober 2014
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