What is the difference between 脚, 足, 肢? They are all pronounced あし, and all mean "foot" or "leg", but why are they written differently? Are they used differently.
14. Dez. 2014 22:21
Antworten · 2
In our everyday conversation of text messages, we use 足, however, sometimes we use it incorrectly. For human being, 脚 means "leg(s)" and 足 means "foot/feet". 脚 is also used for table, chair, etc. 肢 isn't read あし but し, and it means "limb(s)" according to my dictionary. (I didn't know its Englush word.) It's often used with other kanji, for exampke, for human beings 上肢、下肢 and for animals 前肢、後肢 (but I usually use 前足、後ろ足 for animals). Espero que entiendas. Un saludo.
15. Dezember 2014
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