Why are characters like 来 & 果 sometimes written with the vertical stroke ending in a hook? And I noticed this is more often done by older people.
22. Dez. 2014 21:04
Antworten · 4
只有在”毛笔书法“中,才会出现这种情况哦。“果”和“来”,在写完 "|" 以后,要往左,写“丿”,所以会很自然连贯地写出勾。 That's stroke connection in Chinese calligraphy. Other examples like "林“,”木“,”禾“,“束”,“棘'. (the leftfalling stroke is immediately after the vertical stroke) 但是,大多数情况下,汉字都是讲究”横平竖直“的。We want the horizontal and vertical strokes to be totally straight.
23. Dezember 2014
just for beauty -- no real meaning
23. Dezember 2014
I don't think that is the correct way to write both of these characters. I have never seen people write 来 & 果 with the vertical stroke ending with a hook.
22. Dezember 2014
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