ما الفرق بين مفعول فيه وظرف؟
26. Dez. 2014 15:00
Antworten · 10
المفعول فيه اشمل لانه ينقسم الى ظرف مكان وظرف زمان
26. Dezember 2014
هما اسمان لمسمى واحد
26. Dezember 2014
There is a difference between the 2 things : a noun can be an object or a subject or any other thing so there is a difference between the nature of the word and it's function darf makan or zaman are single words that can be used for a lot of reasons if one of the reasons is to tell us where and one the action happened in a sentence starting by a verb (jomla fi3lia ) then it's a maf3ol fih
30. Dezember 2014
هنا ايضا اختي تجدين الاجابة على سؤالك بارك الله فيك وزادك علما
26. Dezember 2014
المفعول فيه أشكل فهو ينقسم الي زمان ومكان ..
9. Januar 2015
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