what's the exact (or more useful)meaning of 厚い? There's 3 completely different meanings about it!
19. Jan. 2015 19:36
Antworten · 5
1.これ は 厚い池 だ。(deep) 2.氷は とても 厚い。 (thick) 3.彼 は 厚い です。 (kind) It makes no sense at all! We don't say 1 and 3. I found an expression "泥の厚い池底" on the web. It means "a pond bottom where mud is thick". We don't say "彼 は 厚い です" . But we can say "彼 は 情<じょう>に 篤<あつ>い です。He is merciful."
20. Januar 2015
Then all of these meanings are useful?
21. Januar 2015
More simple and basic translations are: deep = 深い[ふかい] (for depth of the water), kind = やさしい or しんせつな, fat [adjective] = ふとった、ふとっている (彼は厚い doesn't make sense as JapaneseSpecialis-san already said, however, it imagines me "he is fat" depending on the situation.)
20. Januar 2015
はい 1.これ は 厚い池 だ。(deep) 2.氷は とても 厚い。 (thick) 3.彼 は 厚い です。 (kind) It makes no sense at all!
20. Januar 2015
Show us concrete examples, please.
20. Januar 2015
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