Would this be the correct way to say this sentence in Japanese? When I'm speaking in Japanese, I would like to ask this sentence when asking for an English word to be translated: 。。。をにほんごでどのようにいいますか (How do you say... in Japanese)。Would this sentence be correct (English word added in since I'm asking for the translation in the question?): Whyをにほんごでどのようにいいますか (How do you say why in Japanese?)。Would this be the correct way to ask the question, or is it incorrect?
3. März 2015 05:54
Antworten · 3
Totally fine. The sentence has no subject but is apparently abbreviated as one of the features of Japanese language: (あなたは) whyをにほんごで… If you want to make it sound more natural, you can replace を after 'why' with 'は': Whyはにほんごで… In this way, 'why' turns into the sentence subject form the object, and comes off more natural.
3. März 2015
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