"Funny" as a compliment? (I wrote about my mom last time. This time, I am writing about my dad.) I want to say my dad is dedicated to his job and he is funny. I am thinking of using 「仕事に専念」 for the "dedicated to his job" part. Google Translate says funny is 可笑しい but I have read this means funny in a weird or strange way, so it's not really a compliment. I tried to translate "humorous" and got this ユーモラス. Is there an actual word for "funny" as a compliment? Or, is ユーモラス the only option? Thanks.
3. März 2015 09:58
Antworten · 3
It depends on context. It sometimes means 'crazy', and sometimes 'funny / hilarious'. If you want to go safe, おもしろい works fine. It covers a wide range of one's nature, mainly being interesting, and being funny. Also ユーモラス is fine, but maybe some people don't understand its meaning. 彼はユーモアがある/ he has a sense of humor / is better than using ユーモラス.
4. März 2015
Funny means comical way of entertaining others. Pleasant to hear him say jokes. Practical and nice way to make someone laugh
3. März 2015
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