how can i learn to write in chinese?????????????????? I have no idea where to start . but i can understand using pinyin .
29. März 2015 12:49
Antworten · 8
Do you have a teacher or not?
29. März 2015
Hello! I'm starting to learn how to read and write hanzi and I can read pinyin, same as you. I found this website very helpful to begin: http://www.memrise.com/ Hope it helps!
31. März 2015
first learn 406 syllables of pinyin, then word-lists for HSK and then phrases, sentences and texts
6. April 2015
You can buy a copybook and facsimile,if you insist long time to it you could not only write Chinese but also handwriting is very good.
29. März 2015
It's too hard to learn it...
29. März 2015
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