What's the difference between the verbs " affect" and " effect"?
1. Apr. 2015 19:02
Antworten · 4
If you affect something, you cause a change in it. "The heavy rain affected our schedule." If you effect something, you cause it to happen. "The lobbying by the special interest group effected a change in the proposed legislation."
1. April 2015
Affect = verb. "Your physical appearance can affect what people think of you." Effect = noun. "Your physical appearance has an effect on how people think of you." Hope this helps :)
1. April 2015
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/affect http://www.thefreedictionary.com/effect It's very easy to find the answer by searching. If you still have some confusion, by all means ask. :)
1. April 2015
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