Beatriz F.
Which is the difference between "shuffle" and "random"? Can you give me examples?
15. Apr. 2015 00:28
Antworten · 7
I agree with Judy. It sounds like you may have seen these on some music players. Shuffle mode would be to shuffle the playlist so that the songs don't play in any specific order. Random mode would pick a random song from a playlist and play it. So it's really just two different ways of naming the same function :)
15. April 2015
Shuffle is a verb that means to move things around so they are not in any particular order. "Shuffle a deck of cards" Random is an adjective that means without concern for any particular order or position. "Pick a random card from the deck after you shuffle it." Hope this helps!
15. April 2015
"Random" means by chance, with no pattern (aleatório). The digits of pi are random: 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5. Notice that the digits are random even though "1" appears twice, and 5 appears three times. If you flip a coin, heads and tails come up randomly. If you roll a die, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 turn up randomly. You "shuffle" a deck of cards to put them into a random order. After you shuffle them, there will still be four aces, four 2's, four 3's ... four queens, four kings, but their order is now random. By extension, "shuffling" can mean anything thing puts at set of objects into a random order.
15. April 2015
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