Please , explan me where is difference 1. between revived and recovered 2. between ruminated and thought 3. between significant and important 4. between weakness and shortcoming
19. Apr. 2015 10:34
Antworten · 3
Revive - to bring or come back to live Recover - to get something back that was lost Ruminate - to think a long time or very carefully. It's not used in everyday speech much. It sounds old-fashioned, and it sounds almost like a cow standing around and eating and digesting grass for a long time. Thought - past tense of "think". Used everyday in many sentences. Do you have an example sentence? Significant often means "important," but it can also mean "a large quantity." Weakness and shortcoming are close in meaning. They both can mean "a failing, defect, or deficiency". Weakness is used more often. A word that says the same thing, but in a less negative way is "limitation."
19. April 2015
You are now in the territory of subtle differences, and if you really want to know, your best strategy is to look at a good dictionary. I personally like the American Heritage dictionary. I own a paper copy, but it is online at ahdictionary.org. Dictionaries go beyond basic meanings; good dictionaries show you range of meanings and nuances. I really like their usage notes, when they have them. Whenever I bother to consult a dictionary, I ALWAYS learn something interesting. I'm not trying to be unhelpful, I'm serious. When you get to the level of distinctions like "significant" versus "important" it's time to go to the dictionary. As a general rule, when in doubt use the shorter, simpler, more common word, and express your meaning with the rest of the sentence.
19. April 2015
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