What does it mean when someone says ~けど at the end of a sentence? Does it mean anything like ~から? What is the literal translation?
6. Juli 2015 02:29
Antworten · 6
でも is also but, however, it is used at the beginning of a sentence. けどon the other hand, is but as well, however it is used to link sentences. Check out these sentences: 1.(でも)  気持ちはよくわかりますよ。でも何もできません。 きもち は よく わかります よ。 でも なにも できません。 (I understand your feelings. However, I can't do anything.) Now, same sentence with けど: 2. (けど)    気持ちはよく分かりますけど、何もできません。 きもち は よく わかります けど、 ないも できません。 ...but wait there's more! You can also use が to substitute for けど きもち は よく わかります が、なにも できません。 I hope this helped.
6. Juli 2015
から is "because" where as けど is the informal version of でも which means "But"
6. Juli 2015
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