Bi Filof
What does this mean? Really, the smell of paint (so sweet of dear, generours Mrs Hay!).... Realmente, el olor a pintura (¡tan dulce de la querida, generosa Mrs Hay!) What is 'so sweet of dear...'? Is it that? Thank you. :)
9. Juli 2015 10:50
Antworten · 3
It was so sweet and considerate of Mrs. Hay to paint the walls. The speaker appreciates that the painting was done, but at the same time doesn't like the smell of the paint.
9. Juli 2015
It was all right there; it was summer. And perhaps the smell of paint would go before they had to take it indoors. Really, the smell of paint (so sweet of dear, generours Mrs Hay!) - but the smell of paint was so strong that it was enough to make anyone seriously ill, or so Aunt Beryl thought.
9. Juli 2015
Could you please provide a few lines of context?
9. Juli 2015
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