Roman Y
Could you help me catch some words that I'm missing from a part of the video? (from 3:05 to 4:15). I don't understand/hear some words. I wrote them as question marks. Thank you. What I hear is this 'I knew she'd come back because she left all of her clothes, you know. She loved her clothes more than anything in the world. I kept going into her room and cheking on them, and after a few months you said that we had to get rid of them also. I remember folding ?????????????? there's going to be a secret note or something that would be written for me and just to me, telling me that she loved me, and explaining some secret, magical reasons why she had to go, you know. I mean, I still have this uncontrolled ??? urge??? just go out to people and say - My mother left me when I was seven. And that would explain everything????. And I miss here...And I hate her...And I miss her. I was on a train and then it crashed or something and no one came and rescued me. Thx a lot.
30. Nov. 2015 09:36
Antworten · 2
"them all very neatly, hoping" to fill the blank. I remember folding them all very neatly, hoping there's going to be a secret note or something that would be written for me and just to me, telling me that she loved me, and explaining some secret, magical reasons why she had to go, you know. I mean, I still have this uncontrolled urge to just go out to people and say - My mother left me when I was seven. And that would explain everything. At some points, you didn't miss a word, it was the character breathing.
30. November 2015
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