How to use can't come soon enough? "This divorce couldn't come soon enough" (link https://youtu.be/tBDrKj0x95Q?t=12m52s ) A little introduction... Once Michael wife's had dumped him for a week or a month already. As far as I know Trevor would never wish bad things to Michael, because they are tight like son and dad.Trevor is not beneath it ever. I have tried to find the meaning of "can't come soon enough" and there was said: it means an huge anticipation by someone before some event, but because Trever never wanted him to divorce I am wondering if it's kind of Trevor's wondering - why Michael wife's didn't divorce with him earlier. Am I way off? Is there difference between can't and couldn't come soon enough?
20. Okt. 2017 15:28
Antworten · 2
No, no difference. You're pretty much right but it usually means that the person couldn't wait for it to happen, and has wanted it to happen for a long time. It works also when talking about someone else. "For John, the start of the football season can't/couldn't come soon enough." Can't/couldn't depending on what tense you're talking in as the narrator.
20. Oktober 2017
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