German - Kasus in a sentence Hello. I'm currently learning German, and I have come upon a quite confusing thing, which is about kasuses. When a sentence is so long that it has 2 sentencejoints, does the kasus "reset" between the two of them? Ex: ICH möchte eine Cola haben, möchtest DU auch etwas trinken? Should the "DU" be "dich", or "dir" instead of "du"? With most regards, Marius.
31. Okt. 2017 11:49
Antworten · 3
No, it is correct this way. Both "ich" and "du" are nominative in their part of the sentence.
31. Oktober 2017
In this example you can replace the comma by a period and get two completely separated sentences. Each of them has a subject ("ich" and "du" respectively), which has to be in the nominative case.
2. November 2017
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