how to learn english by myself?
13. Juni 2010 00:02
Antworten · 7
Hello! Firstly, try to learn the English alphabet (of course, the pronunciation, how it is written,etc.). Then, the words. Try to figure out how does one letter work if combined with another letter. Next is the sentence; then so on. By the way, I can help you. Just email me.
14. Juni 2010
I taught myself English! It took me only few months ^^ It's easy like hell! ^.^ Good Luck!!
13. Juni 2010
Hi. These sites will help you learn English by yourself. You can learn English using Chinese at Italki. go to: http://www.italki.com/knowledge/learn-English-Chinese.htm Here are the Italki English/ Chinese speakers. Email some of them and invite them to be your friend or language partner. Set up a time to chat on skype. Remember the time differences between countries, If there is a green light next to a person's name, it means that they are on line. Good luck! Click on here: http://www.italki.com/partners/1-Chinese-English200-00-0.htm http://www.taisha.org/ is recommended by other Italki members Italki member Courtney recommends this voice chat study group for learning English 我看见有一个可以skype聊天的group,但是没什么人去,最好还是在语言伙伴里找人,然后加他再语音吧,祝你好运 Also for Chinese speakers learning English have a look at Quick Speaker 还在为去国外旅游无法独自开口表达而烦恼吗? 有了 QuickSpeaker 这一切将变得轻松简单! QuickSpeaker 根据在外国旅游或生活中常遇到的不同场景,分为20大类,超过3000条日常用句,每条句子都包含专业的翻译及纯正的英语发音,通过您的手机,让您真正做到随用随学,沟通随时随地 ! http://www.quickspeaker.com
13. Juni 2010
recently.i watch prison break.gossip girl.the simpsons.the family guys and many TV play series. i found it does really work.so i recommend you to watch TV.
13. Juni 2010
Hi... It will be very very hard to learn any languages by yourself... Good luck!
13. Juni 2010
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