Julius -
About Sharks Lets say we all live together in the blue ocean ....with Sharks in it. Do you think we can live with them ? Compare this to our society. -Random Q.
19. Juni 2010 05:37
Antworten · 11
We would be shark meat , that's the reason why we don't live together. Could you imagine a shark walking down the street to buy himself a beer? ... well, same thing with us and the ocean, even if we can dip our pretty noses into"shark's precious habitat", that doesn't mean we are welcome ... personally... GO SHARKS !!!!! you are the one with the "super evolved" brain to think twice before you decide to mess with them =D Same in society : If you want to live with sharks, BE A SHARK and you will be A LITTLE safe.
19. Juni 2010
19. Juni 2010
Hiii Nemmooo... How are things going on? It's me, your friend, Dory (I know I look like Lola- Shark Tale- but I am Dory). xD What has happened with that positive spirit? Come onn! Don't let Don Lino, Lenny and Frankie (Shark Tale) make you be afraid of them, they have sharp teeth, but you are smarter. P.S. xD It's really funny how some people take this post seriously... Take it easy! ;)
20. Juni 2010
We've got lots of sharks in Australia and we live alongside of them.
19. Juni 2010
Well, I think it is quite possible to live with shark, if you are very careful. When they are near, be very cautious.They are dangerous and you have to watch them. And some people are like sharks, they are dangerous too and waiting for a moment to bite you, so you have to watch them as well. And in my opinion, people are more dangerous than sharks and there are more reasons to beware of them.
19. Juni 2010
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